Thursday 11 October 2012

"Barrels" The Game - Based on Slender

Are you a video gamer and a fan of PewDiePie? If you are, GREAT!! *Brofist* :D
Anyways, back to the topic. So, there's this youtuber, TVSleepyhead. He created the game called "Barrels". This game is basically based on the horror game, "Slender". He created it specially for PewDiePie and is going to create another game for CutiePie (Marzia)~ I personally think it's AWESOME! It's a very well planned game, has a pinch of horror and comedy too. I would recommend you to download it. Cheers to TVSleepyhead! ^^

These are the links to download "Barrels" (For Win and Mac):

WARNING: if you have epilepsy or heart problems, do NOT play it. -

Version 1.0 (MEDIUM)
[Win] http://www.mediafire.com/?vrtql3od8lxrcwf

[Mac] http://www.mediafire.com/?m8a4i5do6cwl0jq
[Win] http://www.mediafire.com/?c698tcyasn548r5

BETA Version (Outdated, HARDCORE)
[Mac] http://www.mediafire.com/?wh08hetme2nk2om
[Win] http://www.mediafire.com/?00241c2furmx8in

ALPHA Version (Outdated, EASY)
[Mac] http://www.mediafire.com/?r7se1c551bpp5y1
[Win] http://www.mediafire.com/?s37k2pw956plw2z
[Mac] http://www.mediafire.com/?9q8rrs7447ca7p5


Monday 8 October 2012

Why Crazy People Make Better Bloggers.

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently …” — Steve Jobs

Crazy people make better bloggers.
Heather Armstrong parlayed postpartum depression and a stint in a mental institution into a cash cow blog.
Penelope Trunk grew her blog to over 750,000 page views last month as someone willing to write about stabbing herself in the head, smashing herself in the head with a lamp, and having a miscarriage during a board meeting while dispensing career advice.
James Altucher shares with his blog readers a history of suicidal ideation, depression, and going broke with a manic frenzy that inspires others to buy his books.
In the Forever Recession, we are all entrepreneurs, and everybody knows the best entrepreneurs are crazy.
1. We’ll say what you won’t.
I started blogging in 2002. Over the years, as a blogger and journalist, I’ve written about developing PTSD, the time I wanted to kill myself, and why I loved writing about the adult movie industry. After I got downsized, anyone who Googled me about a job I had applied for could find these stories online. This probably didn’t help my chances of getting a job. It’s probably part of what led me to conclude I’m unemployable.
But that I had been working and living outside of the box for so long — bending the rules or refusing to admit they existed — is what helped me go from unemployed to self-employed in a matter of months.
I used to be on TV. Being on TV can be stressful. You have no idea what’s going to happen, and there are cameras recording whatever does. After one of my first TV gigs, I was driving home on a Los Angeles freeway. I was vibrating from the stress of what I had done, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was what I had done good or bad? That’s when I decided it didn’t matter. I decided what did matter was that I was brave. I hold that true to this day. I don’t want to be a coward.
Crazy people are willing to fail embarrassingly publicly to risk succeeding epically.
2. We speak the truth.
Crazy people are constantly in conflict: with themselves, with the world, with the voices in their heads. Want to know why no one reads your blog? You’re boring. You’re not in conflict, or you have no ability to articulate your conflict, or, more likely, you’re unwilling to share your conflict. That makes you boring and cowardly. A blog isn’t something you write when you feel like it. It’s the digital representation of who you really are. No one wants to read a blog by a boring coward. Because no one wants to be a boring coward.
What is heroic? What is great? What matters? Page views? Readers? What others think of you? I think heroism is trying. It’s not succeeding or failing. It’s prying yourself open and showing yourself to the world in hopes that someone else may learn something from what’s inside of you.
3. We’re more entertaining.
Armstrong danced on her roof for free shingles. Trunk wrote about what it’s like to have sex with someone who has Asperger’s. Altucher threatened to drive a rental car off a cliff.
When I went to graduate school, part of the deal was that I didn’t have to pay tuition if I taught two classes of freshman English every semester. The school spent a semester trying to teach us how to teach, but mostly I thought everything they were telling us about teaching was crap. They seemed to think the student body was composed of mentally disabled people, or people who had had hard lives so we should make it easy on them, or people who were just dumb so our classes should be dumb.
I didn’t agree with this way of teaching. In my classes, for the most part, I did what I wanted. We weren’t supposed to teach the students to read whole books — only bits of books or essay excerpted in anthologies — so one semester I assigned only books — including William Burroughs’ Naked Lunch, which includes an episode about a talking butt — and for this I was called into the director’s office and reprimanded. The students were fascinated by the fictional worlds they entered through the pages.
People like to say the internet makes us stupider. It doesn’t. It makes us all writers. What people chronically fail to understand is that writing is entertainment. We are 21st century entertainers, endlessly tap dancing for an audience we can neither see nor touch, all in hopes of getting something that used to sound like applause.
Only crazy people are willing to play this game, to keep dancing, praying for a fleeting moment they will be seen as they truly are, warped minds and all.

Microsoft uses Kinect to scan Isaac Newton’s death mask .

Microsoft and the Royal Society of London teamed up recently to mix science, history, and computer game peripherals. The Kinect motion sensor has many different uses, whether it’s helping a disabled mom send an email or enabling people to create 3D objects using their hands. Now the Kinect has been used to recreate Isaac Newton’s face in 3D.
Using Isaac Newton’s terracotta death mask, Microsoft scanned the mask and was then able to create an increadibly accurate 3D representation of his face. What’s even more impressive is the 360-degree 3D full head scan at the end of the video. Microsoft could have easily used the 3D image to print out a replica of the death mask using a 3D printer, it’s a shame they didn’t.

It might seem like a random thing to do, but Microsoft wanted to show the capabilities of the Kinect camera and the Kinect Fusion system with it’s ability to record in 3D. Microsoft is also promoting their Kinect for Windows program so they can supply an affordable, accurate, motion sense camera so developers and businesses can start using Kinect in their industries. It’s already being used in the health care, manufacturing, retail, and hospitality industries. A small team in San Francisco is even creating a super-accurate two-handed geasture control system using two Kinect mounted on a frame.
The point of the death mask scan is to prove Kinect isn’t just good for gaming, something most of us were already aware of, but this 3D scanning technology is impressive and could improve gaming too. Imagine being able to scan your face, or even your entire body, and use your likeness in a game — then you really could be inside the game. Such tech would take time to perfect, but it’s something Microsoft should consider as it would surely be popular.

Like-A-Hug jacket: receive a hug for every Facebook Like.

The silly invention of the week award goes to the students at MIT for creating the Like-A-Hug jacket, which senses every time someone ‘Likes’ something of yours on Facebook and hugs you in return. Well, it gives the sensation of hugging at least.
Not only do you get free hugs, you get a stylish coat too, which puffs up in response to a Like. The jacket inflates slightly using a small wireless fan to give your body a little squeeze, similar to hugging. Melissa Chow, inventor of the Like-A-Hug, says it’s designed to bring people closer together despite being physically far away from each other. Users can also send hugs back to whoever hugged them by pushing down on the jacket to deflate it.


It would make a great social experiment to test if the same parts of the brain are lit up by hugs as those activated by the jacket inflating. This doesn’t have to be restricted to Facebook, either. It could also be adapted for use with Twitter, with the jacket giving you a hug every time a tweet gets favorited or retweeted.
We all secretly love people liking and commenting on our Facebook posts, but I’m not sure we’re all so emotionally empty that we need to be hugged every time this happens. If you get too many likes, the coat could become a bit suffocating and would start annoying you fairly quickly.
It’s an interesting concept anyway, and perhaps shows how we’re actually more disconnected these days, despite all the online connections.

Boy of 8 becomes Microsoft Certified Professional!

Marko Calasan

Either the knowledge and work required to become a Microsoft Certified Professional has seen a major revision to make it easier, or Marko Calasan is one intelligent little boy.
Last week Marko set a new record for the youngest person to ever attain the status of Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator. He hails from Skopje in Macedonia and now has a very proud mother.
Apparently he has always shown a flare for learning and computers; being able to read and write by age 2 and then showing a big interest in computers for the past 6 years. When asked what he’d like to do in later life Marko said:
"I’d like to be a computer scientist when I grow up and create a new operational system."
I’m sure Microsoft are hoping that he stays true to them and that new operating system is a version of Windows.
Just to put his achievement in perspective Marko could now go and look after a large company network running on the Windows operating system. I’m sure he may opt to keep his resume to himself for a few years and finish school, however.


Hey readers! In this post, I would like to introduce a little bit of myself. My name is Chan Ann Drea. I grow one year older every year on the 14th of January. Made in 1999. I currently study at SMK Kota Kemuning and I live at Shah Alam, Seksyen 32. I TOTALLY HEART MAROON 5 AND BRUNO MARS! ^^ My main purpose of making this blog is to entertain you bored people with exciting stories, articles and bla bla bla. I've read many random articles and thought, "Hey! Why don't I make a blog bout' this?!". So yeah, there you guys have it.. xD

That's all I guess? Any more questions, don't be shy, JUST ASK! :D
I'm Andrea and I approve this message. :)